How Can a Personal Injury Attorney Help Me After a Car Accident?
Car accidents are terrifying experiences no matter the circumstances surrounding them. The situation often spirals out of control fast, and it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to know who was initially at fault.
If you have suffered an injury or your family has suffered the unspeakable pain of losing a loved one after a traffic accident, you need to focus on healing. This is impossible to achieve if you have lost your income because you are unable to work due to your injuries or because your loved one was your sole source of support for your family. You need representation from a law firm determined to get you the result and peace of mind you and your family deserve. At the Law Offices of Denise Adkison-Brown PLLC, you will find experienced counsel dedicated to providing personalized and effective results that uphold clients’ rights and leave them in a better position than when they arrived. Call us today for a free consultation at (713) 714-6206.
What is Liability?
In its simplest form, liability means responsibility. In the insurance world, you purchase a liability insurance policy to protect you in the unfortunate case of a car accident for which you are at fault. Insurance will cover injuries, property damage, and, in some cases, court costs after a traffic accident. Unfortunately, the insurance claims process can be challenging to navigate. Insurance adjusters are always looking for ways to save their company money. Sadly, it is often at the expense of those who need help after traffic accidents. Our lawyers can help you and your family recover after an accident.
Who is Liable in a Traffic Accident?
Traffic accidents are frequently highly chaotic, and liability determination becomes critical. Texas is generally considered to be an “at-fault” state. Insurance companies operate under the rule that the driver considered at fault for the accident will be responsible for the damages and injuries they caused. Sometimes, a system of contributory negligence or comparative fault is employed. Contributory negligence/Comparative fault means that each party involved in the accident has a percentage of the fault assigned to them. Law enforcement and insurance claims adjustors will investigate and determine liability percentages.
You mustn’t assume that the insurance company has your best interest in mind. In this situation, it becomes imperative that you seek the counsel of a traffic accident lawyer to represent you and help you get the compensation you deserve after the trauma of your accident.
What Are Some of the Ways Liability is Determined?
Texas has adopted a system of contributory negligence that allows more than one person to share the responsibility for accidents involving multiple drivers. The idea is that if everyone must share the blame for an accident, it will cause drivers to pay closer attention to the road and their driving habits.
Law enforcement officers must collect statements from everyone at the scene. When you speak with officers, you must tell them everything you know and leave nothing out. It’s also imperative that you only talk to the officers and not to other victims and refrain from using social media and posting details about the accident or others involved. These posts could hurt your insurance claims case later on.
Can Dashcam Footage Help Determine Negligence and Liability in a Traffic Accident?
Dashcam footage can give investigators a good idea of the events leading up to and after a traffic accident. While victims’ memories may be faulty due to injury or trauma, a camera doesn’t lie. Installing a camera in your vehicle will help investigators determine contributory negligence.
Dashcam footage gives insurance companies an impartial view of what happened and will help your insurance claims process run more smoothly and lead to a fairer settlement once the fault is determined. It is important to note that in Texas, dashcam footage is admissible in court as evidence; however, specific evidentiary rules apply. For this reason, obtaining advice from an experienced lawyer at the Law Offices of Denise Adkison-Brown, PLLC, is crucial. We can help you get your life back.
What Are the Types of Traffic Accidents that Occur?
Traffic accidents can play out in a multitude of ways:
- Head-on collisions occur when one car hits the front end of another. Traffic accidents usually happen when one car swerves from its lane into oncoming traffic.
- Rear-End Collisions: These accidents happen when cars hit others from behind. They are usually the result of a sudden and unanticipated stop, which most often triggers a chain reaction.
- Side-Impact- These collisions occur when drivers run into the side of one or more vehicles. This type of accident frequently occurs because a driver has failed to yield or look in their blind spot (such as failing to see another car when changing lanes)
- Pile-up Car Accidents—A pile-up accident involves several vehicles being mangled and frequently crushed together. It is often the most tragic of cases, causing severe injury and even fatalities. These accidents are often the result of severe weather conditions like snow or ice, human error caused by drunk driving, or when a large commercial vehicle jackknifes and causes a pile-up.
When Should I Call A Personal Injury Attorney?
If you have been involved in a traffic accident, you need a dedicated lawyer fighting for you. At the Law Offices of Denise Adkison-Brown, PLLC, you will find experienced counsel dedicated to you. Call 713-714-6206 for a free consultation.